I have a peculiar situation. I have two houses that I split my life between. I don't want to pay for cable in both houses, but I also want access to some of the TV shows that you only get newer episodes on cable and not via Netflix/Hulu/Amazon.
So to solve this, I have set up MythTV in both houses. Both setups run Mythbuntu 12.04.1 (www.mythbuntu.org). In the house without cable I have a Silicondust HD Homerun.
The HD Homerun is set to record OTA content exclusively. I get all the basic TV networks this way in that house.
In the second house I have a Silicondust HD Homerun Prime. I'm fortunate that in that house I have Comcast, which is one of the more friendly companies with regard to copy protection. I'm able to record pretty much everything except the premium networks like HBO and Showtime.
In the second house I duplicate all the OTA recording schedules but also schedule things on the other stations I care about.
Secondary House
Now to get the recordings from the second house to the first house, I had to setup a collection of scripts that run in staggered cron jobs. The first one is on the secondary house. I first determined which channel ID's I needed to export from. This can be found by looking through mythweb or by examining the database with a tool like phpmyadmin. Look for 'chanid' in the 'channels' table.Once I had those channels figured out I created this script. On each daily run it will find all the recordings who's starttime happened to be "today". It exports all relevant SQL data about that recording into a flat SQL file that can be imported on the primary house.
Next it creates a list of recordings that will need to be synced over to the primary house. This list is based upon the last successful sync date from the primary house. It only syncs all recordings between the lastrun date and "tomorrow". This sets it up so that if for some reason the primary backend doesn't sync a day it will still work. Also it's important to sync only a handful of days because the autoexpire will be happening at different rates on the two backends.
I store all this content in the directory /var/lib/mythtv/exported-sql
sudo mkdir -p /var/lib/mythtv/exported-sql
sudo chown mythtv:mythtv /var/lib/mythtv/exported-sql
#export SQL
chanid="2657 2659 2622"
BIGGEST_DATE=`find $DIRECTORY -maxdepth 1 -name '*.sql' | sort -r | head -1 | sed 's,.*exported-,,; s,.sql,,'`
for chan in $chanid;
[ -n "$where" ] && where="$where or"
[ -n "$BIGGEST_DATE" ] && date=" and starttime > '$BIGGEST_DATE 00:00:00'"
where="$where (chanid='$chan'$date)"
DATE=`date '+%F'`
if [ "$DATE" = "$BIGGEST_DATE" ]; then
echo "Already ran today, not running SQL generation again"
db=`xpath -q -e 'string(//DatabaseName)' $CONFIG 2>/dev/null`
user=`xpath -q -e 'string(//UserName)' $CONFIG 2>/dev/null`
pass=`xpath -q -e 'string(//Password)' $CONFIG 2>/dev/null`
host=`xpath -q -e 'string(//Host)' $CONFIG 2>/dev/null`
mysqldump -h$host -u$user -p$pass $db recorded recordedseek recordedrating recordedprogram recordedmarkup recordedcredits --where="$where" --no-create-db --no-create-info > $fname
#generate a recordings list
tomorrow=$(date --date="tomorrow" '+%Y%m%d')
if [ -f $lastrun ]; then
tmp=$(cat $lastrun)
while [ "$tmp" != "$tomorrow" ]
test_dates="$test_dates $tmp"
tmp=$(date --date="1 day $tmp" '+%Y%m%d')
test_dates="$test_dates $tomorrow"
for date in $test_dates;
for chan in $chanid;
from="$from /var/lib/mythtv/recordings/${chan}_${date}*"
ls $from 2>/dev/null | tee /var/lib/mythtv/exported-sql/recordings-list
Next I set up rsync to export my /var/lib/mythtv directory (read only) and my lastrun successful (write only).
max connections = 2
log file = /var/log/rsync.log
timeout = 300
comment = mythtv
path = /var/lib/mythtv
read only = yes
list = yes
uid = nobody
gid = nogroup
auth users = rsync
secrets file = /etc/rsyncd.secrets
comment = last rsync run
path = /home/mythtv/
write only = yes
read only = no
list = no
uid = mythtv
gid = mythtv
auth users = rsync
secrets file = /etc/rsyncd.secrets
Last thing to do on the secondary house is to set up the crontab to run at night. I set it for 11:05 PM every day. It should only take a 10-15 seconds to run.
5 23 * * * /home/mythtv/export.sh
Because of the way this all works, I decide to leave my secondary house backend on all the time.
Primary House
Now in my primary house I need to sync recordings, SQL data, and then update the last successful run at the secondary house.
today=$(date '+%Y%m%d')
from=$(cat $sql_directory/recordings-list | sed "s,/var/lib/mythtv,$domain::mythtv,")
while [ $RET -eq 30 ]; do
#rsync -avz --partial --timeout 120 --progress $from --password-file=password-file $recordings_directory
rsync -av --partial --timeout 120 --progress $from --password-file=$password_file $recordings_directory
echo "rsync return code: $?"
[ $RET -ne 0 ] && exit 1
echo "$today" > lastrun
rsync -avz --password-file=password-file lastrun $domain::lastrun/
rsync -avz $domain::mythtv/exported-sql/* --password-file=$password_file $sql_directory
db=`xpath -q -e 'string(//DatabaseName)' $CONFIG 2>/dev/null`
user=`xpath -q -e 'string(//UserName)' $CONFIG 2>/dev/null`
pass=`xpath -q -e 'string(//Password)' $CONFIG 2>/dev/null`
host=`xpath -q -e 'string(//Host)' $CONFIG 2>/dev/null`
for fname in $(find $sql_directory -maxdepth 1 -name '*.sql');
if [ ! -f ${fname}.imported ]; then
cat $fname | sed "s,${old_host},${new_host},g; s,INSERT INTO, INSERT IGNORE INTO,g" > ${fname}.imported
mysql --host=$host --user=$user -p$pass $db < ${fname}.imported
sudo /usr/local/bin/setwakeup.sh $(date --date='18:00' '+%s')
sudo pm-suspend
I'm careful about the order I do things. The SQL has to get inserted last in case for some reason the recordings fail to sync or don't all sync while i'm watching.
I currently don't suspend afterwards due to some instability on my system, but I have been experimenting with that too. If S3 is reliable you can configure the setup to suspend after the sync is done and wake up next time you need to use it or record from it.
I set the cronjob to run at midnight every day on the primary backend.
0 0 * * * /home/mythtv/import.sh
What kind of hardware do you use to receive and record digital TV programs from Comcast? Thanks
ReplyDeleteIt's a silicon dust HD homerun prime. I've got a cable card with comcast that I've activated with them and use.
ReplyDeleteA (possibly) dumb question: Why not VPN the two sites, and make one a slave master? Then just sync the recording files, and avoid all the DB shenanigans.
ReplyDeleteI ask because I have a vaguely similar setup, except for me it is more about the backend being in country A and me being in country B most/all the time. I used to dump everything from A to a disk, and take a dump of the A DB. Then I'd process this backup into the B DB, copy the files over, then view TV from A in B. Obviously this is a pain, so I had the idea of VPN, but I'm not too confident about the DB performance over VPN. Either the EIT updates to the remote DB are sluggish, which is perhaps not an issue, or the frontend in B is slow (more of an issue). Of course some form of replication (galera) or clustering could get around that :-)
I thought about doing that too, and really wanted it to work. Unfortunately I think it would still require some sort of DB shenanigans. When you work with two backends, the database has a concept of which backend actually contains the files. Even though you copied the files locally, the remote frontend would want to connect to the backend in the country the files were originally recorded on.
ReplyDeleteThe DB performance issue will likely be a major problem too, I agree. The database contains jumplists which allow you to jump back and forth in the recordings to keyframes without having to search for them.
Now using a replication software for the database I think can have a lot of promise though as long as you are careful and don't try to use in progress recordings or live tv. If you could set up replication, you just have the two hostnames be the same and keep the recording files synced at all times. Ideally actions should then be synced between both and autoexpire should happen at the same time on both too then.
The advantage I like of the way i'm doing it is that I don't have to have a gimped experience on either machine. I'm still able to watch live tv on both if I choose (just with different channel layouts) and family members aren't able to easily break either setup.
Just a quick followup. I know with multiple paths on a single host the software will search other paths if it is not where expected. I'm just not sure if this logic also works across backends. Or you could go really silly with a clustered FS ;-)
ReplyDeleteOn the DB replication: For something else (work) I was looking at Galera, but it got put on the backburner. For that a layer sits in front of the DB passes the reads through to the local DB, so local speed at both locations for reads. Updates are replicated/synced between the nodes, with various accounting to ensure that they are consistent. I really should look at trying to set that up :-)